Often called “The Father of Personalized Medicine,” Dr. Ralph Snyderman, Chancellor Emeritus, Duke University, and James B. Duke Professor of Medicine in the Duke University School of Medicine and a member of the Alliance board directors was the recipient of the PMWC Pioneer Award at the 10th Personalized Medicine World Conference held in Silicon Valley, California, January 24 -27, 2016. The PMWC Pioneer Award is given on occasion to a rare individual who presaged the present day excitement regarding personalized medicine at a time when only less evolved technology and less encouragement by peers existed, but nevertheless made major advances in the field.
Dr. Snyderman has been a passionate supporter for personalized medicine that advocates for a predictive, proactive, preventive, and patient-participatory approaches. He has lectured extensively on this new model of care, sighting that converging technologies have allowed medical professionals the ability to predict events, determine risks for disease, track health, and enhance the well-being of their patients, thereby mitigating health risks.
PMWC International is dedicated to transforming healthcare through the global adoption of personalized medicine. Launched by Silicon Valley investors and entrepreneurs in 2009, PMWC International holds conferences in the U.S. and abroad to forge connections and drive innovation. You can learn more about PMWC 2016 at http://2016sv.pmwcintl.com/